Evaluation Task 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you address/attract your audience?
I have conducted an interview to answer this question to the best standard.

Underneath is my transcript for my above interview on soundcloud:

Hi Daisy, would you mind if I ask you a few questions about the opening sequence you've just made?

Yeah, ok, i'll happily answer some questions.

Ok, First question:
What pleasures could your audience take from watching your opening sequence?

Well, there are a range of things included in our opening sequence which would interest our target audience. For example: violence, explosions and gunfire. The reveal of the virtual reality headset at the end connotes to it being about a video game, similar to call of duty, which is one of the things people of our target audience would play in their free time. There are typical action movie conventions meaning action movie fans, who would usually be in our target audience range, would enjoy the features of our opening sequence that implemented these conventions. For example: violence, loud pace, quick cutting and handheld camera work. Similarly it follows the usual video game conventions including: complex guns, explosions and loud ambience.

Wow, you're right, there is a range. Ok so, what genre have you made? Could this be a sub-genre? and which other films might be influential?

We have made a thriller which also involves an action aspect therefore the sub-genre is action-thriller. Other films which were influential are Gamer, Lets Be Evil and Saving Private Ryan.

Great. Moving onto setting, where did you set your thriller and why?

Well, the majority of our thriller was shot at Delta Force Paintball course because it was the most representative for our thriller. It was great place to create the whole battle field atmosphere. The ending was set in the editing suite which was a great location because it gave a suggestion that the character enjoys things including a computer. It looked great alongside the Virtual reality headset!

Yes that all makes sense, do you think your audience will respond to this?

Yes, i think it will because the Delta force could represent a call of duty map which has the same features and is a similar size. Additionally, the final location should be recognised by the target audience as they should instantaneously make the connection between the computer and the VR headset.

Okay next question, What is your plot line and how does it attract your audience?

The thriller is essentially about a hacker who hacks into video games and the VR headsets and kills people with this virus, not only in the game but in real life. This video game association alongside the action would attract the audience.

Sounds interesting, and the characters? Will the audience like them?

Well, most of the characters are the same age as the target audience so the audience is likely to relate to how these characters act and language they use as if they're playing a game. This making the opening sequence more enjoyable t watch and realistic. The fact that the western audience is probably not very likely to be able to understand the Russian means that they probably don't relate themselves to this side as much making more of a dislike towards them. The fact there is one member of the Russian side who is a lot older than the rest could also make the audience feel more intimidated by their side.

Yes thats understandable, what about narrative devices... have you used any?

Yes, at the end of the sequence there is a plot twist and it is revealed that all the action was in a game. Also suspense is made by loud sudden noises and quick cuts.

Which social groups are you appealing to and how?

Our opening sequence is aimed at males, aged 19-20. we are appealing to this target audience by including violence, action and through use of location.

Do you have any music?

No, we thought a soundtrack would be too distracting when we want the audience to focus on the dialogue and sound effects. This also makes the sequence more realistic to the audience. Soundtrack would also reduce the level of tension which a san-music sequence provides.

What information did you give in your titles?

We included the name of the studio, the production company and the director. Our audience may recognise the director or the studio and know that they have made other action-packed films or films similar that they have enjoyed.

Great, do you have to say anything about your editing or film style?

The opening sequence is fast paced with CGI used to create muzzle flashes and blood splatters and we tried to make it Saving Private Ryan-esque.

Your thriller opening sequence sounds very interesting and i look forward to watching it, thanks for the great interview.

Thanks for having me.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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