Evaluation task 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
What Institution is likely to make our film?
Thinking about which Institution would be the most suited to make a film is very important. It enables you to think about if you were in charge of this institution: how would you create this film?how big would the budget be? Who would be featured or directing? how would you market the film? and many other questions. I will approach this question in two ways: If i were to pick an institution out of the Big 6 or if i were to pick a small independent UK institution, which would I pick?
The Big 6
Obviously this selection was a hard bunch to pick from with strong competition. After looking into all of the Big 6 studios and the films that they have produced I have decided 20th Century Fox was the institution most likely to make my film. First of all, here is some facts and history of the institution:
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Click here to see this Glog on the Glogster website One of the reasons for my belief in this institution making this film is because there is an ongoing list of action thrillers produced by 20th Century fox:
The ones stated above are only a few of the many action thrillers produced by this institution. The one film that really caught my eye when looking through the massive list of films made by 20th Century Fox was Assassins Creed. The reason for this being is because Assassins Creed is also a Video game, therefore having a strong link between it and our thriller. Knowing that 20th Century Fox have an interest in Action thrillers and like the idea of making a film about a video game really creates an imagery for me of my groups film being successfully made by this institution. Although 20th Century Fox don't tend to specialise in a certain genre or have a specified target audience (as they produce a variety of different films), you can tell that they are extremely good when it comes to creating action-thrillers by the number of well known and successful films of this genre that they have made.
The budget for assassins creed was $125 million, if this institution were to make my movie with the budget of this similar movie, I think the film would look incredible as high technology would be able to be used and there would be less limitations when it comes to things like locations and getting licences.
When it comes to marketing, they would use both traditional and new media. This way making sure it is seen worldwide- reaching a larger audience and reminding people constantly of the film giving them an urge to want to see it. I have looked at the ways 20th Century Fox has marketed their movies in the past and Deadpool (an action movie) is a prime example of a film that they have marketed using extremely clever strategies. They would use the holiday marketing strategy: making videos and other festive things which would promote the movie. Ryan reynolds posted a halloween themed video as a way of promoting the film which has since gained over 4.2 million views. Another way they built up the excitement through festive times is when the 12 days of Deadpool started in December; it was a christmas teaser leading up to a new trailer- this building new fans and people excited to watch this movie. Social media now plays a major part in Marketing. The main actors from the movie posting things on their social media accounts is a big help when it comes to promotion as it makes a larger audience aware of the movies and want to go to the see the film to watch that certain actor. Small things in magazines, radio and TV such as interviews or teasers would also be a way 20th Century Fox may market their movies because it raises awareness and demand for their films.
Independent UK institution
I found it hard when it came to looking at small independent institutions and seeing which would make films similar to mine as the films aren't as well know or as easy to find. The one i believed was most fitting to my groups thriller was Vertigo. First of all, some facts and history about the institution:
The main reason for this choice of institution is because of a film made by them which holds a key element to our thriller. The film "Lets be Evil" is a film by Vertigo films which is about a learning program for gifted children who wear Augmented reality glasses to assist their education and every thing gets out of control and its obvious by the trailer that the film is quite horrific and thrilling. In our thriller, the virtual reality headset is used leading to horrific events, so knowing that vertigo has a film that is very similar in that sense instantly tells us they are likely to make a film like ours. Other films that they have made of a similar genre are: Monsters, Out Post, WΔZ and many other films. Similarly to 20th Century Fox that make a variety of different genre films with different target audiences. Although this may be, a large majority of their films seem to be over 15 rated and tend to have a drama, thriller, horror genre theme to them.
Vertigo films are usually made on a low budget using new directors and lower priced technology- this meeting our films ethos. Vertigo would mainly use new media marketing as it is cheaper (the film would have a lower budget) and can be spread internationally through interaction and updates. Vertigo uses other clever ways to promote their films, for example: for the film Monsters, Vertigo had a blogging event with Jameson whisky, this clever online marketing event helped lead to vertigo making 1000% profit. Traditional media would also be used but not as much as it is more expensive, can miss out on the younger demographic that are able to watch the film because they would be more interested in using technology, and there is limited content which is hard to update. If Vertigo wanted to make sure the money spent on their marketing is worth it, they are more likely to market via new media. My Choice of Institution Overall, when looking at the two institutions, it is clear that there is so many more opportunities for success when working with a higher budget. I think 20th Century Fox would be the best institution for our groups thriller because high priced technology is needed to make the shooting scenes as realistic as possible. Also, in terms of marketing, more money for marketing means a larger audience and more money is made out of the film. 20th Century Fox has a bigger fan base than a smaller institution therefore therefore that instantly makes the film known about. Being able to work with well known actors and directors makes more people want to see the film as well leading to higher demand. Their thrillers and action films are all very successful therefore my thriller would be in very good hands with this institution. |