Evaluation task 4 Part 1: Who would be the audience for your media product?

For our thriller opening, we needed to think of the age range and gender the movie would be aimed at. This would help when marketing so that we know the usual interests of this group of people.To find our Target audience, we thought it would great to interview a sample of different age groups and genders so that we got an idea of each age category's likes and dislikes and will then be able to see which age group and gender would be the most fitting to our thriller opening sequence. These are the questions that we will ask:


1.     Who is your favourite director?
2.     Who is your favourite actor/ actress?
3.     What is your favourite movie?
4.     What is your favourite genre? For example: Rom-com
5.     Are you a fan of Xbox/ PS4/ video games? If so which console?
6.     Are you a fan of action/ war games?
7.     Are you put off movies involving violence?
8.     Do you like action movies?
9.     Do you enjoy watching thriller movies?
10.  Have you ever played a first person shooting games? For example: call of duty?
11.  Have you ever used a virtual reality head set or want to try it?
12.  Do you prefer when you know the narrative of the story clearly or do prefer when the storyline is a mystery?

Remember to note down Age, gender, where they are from.

We think that all of these questions have a link to our thriller and would be useful when finding out our target audience. Knowing the interests of different people will determine whether they would be interested in our thriller or not. We emphasised the amount of questions about video games because its important that are target audience has an interest in or would like to play video games of this style because thats a main theme in the film.  

Here's the video showing some of the information we collected when interviewing different age groups and genders:

Below are some graphs we put together with the data we received:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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