My 4 thriller ideas

1. A new lawyer has a case and is defending a man accused of killing his house-keeper and it seems like an easy win until she uncovers some secrets that not only make her believe her client is guilty, but may be one of the worst serial killers in the past two decades… and he knows she found out. He holds her captive and the movie is about her escape before he kills her like he kills the others. Once free she is able to lock him up for what he’s done. 

opening sequence:
The opening sequence shows the death of the house keeper and the killer is not revealed at all. It shows the preparation of how he is going to do it and him setting up and printing out a small photo of the victim after she is killed. He then hangs these up with a series of other photos showing other people that he has targeted and killed. The camera will be pointing at mainly things like his hands and focusing on the small details of process he takes once killing each victim. This will be filmed in a small, dark empty space where there is a table set up with the body strapped to table and gruesome photos hanging on the wall to imply he has not only killed one person.  These images show the wanted look of the  location and how the images will be hanging.

2. A Video game freak becomes so obsessed with games that he kills all of his opponents in order to feel like he has more life power in the game- he is confused between reality and the games. The movie is about the police investigation trying to find this criminal and them approaching different deaths where he leaves a clue at each, the last one informing them that they are part of one of his “games”. he attempts to kill the two police officers but fails and is locked up for life. 

opening sequence:
The opening sequence shows a list of game users flashing up on the screen, then it switches to a silhouette of a man playing fighting games on a large tv screen. It focuses on his glasses and the reflection and the player focusing on the game. It them flashes to violent sequences of him fighting another “player”, and changes back to the man playing the video game. This is repeated a few times and it ends with the other character dead on the floor, and on the tv screen it shows a character dead on the floor. This will be filmed in a messy mens bedroom. These photos show the type of location and what may be written o the wall after he kills the player. 

3. A killer picks out females who he finds attractive but also have criminal records and kills them so that they will be in hell waiting for him when he dies. His hide out is a log cabin in the woods as its a great place which no one would usually approach, however theres a passer by walking their dog and the dog starts barking and runs off to this cabin- the door is left open and the killer is out. The dog walker is forced to investigate as the dog wont stop barking which leads to him finding the girls locked in one of the rooms. The killer comes home and the man is trapped in the house. The rest of the film is showing how the dog walker is hiding in his house and secretly helping the girls, who are still alive, to escape. 

opening sequence:
The killer is sitting at the desk cutting out images of girls face and pinning them up on the wall, a few are circled and how their eyes crossed out. The camera focuses on the things he is slowly doing with his hands. He is doing everyday things however they imply that he is some kind of killer (cutting things out). Flashes of the girls face come up as each photo is shown. The camera then goes into a room and all the girls circled are laying tied up in a row. It ends with a gun shot into new of the girls heads. The images show the location and what the photos of the girls may look like.
4. A group of drug smugglers have to face an female agent in their attempt to get it to their multimillionaire client. The smugglers families are under threat if they don't get it to the leading gangster of this gang. On their journey they come across the agent many times and each time she fights and kills one of the group members. The last man just reaches the client when there is a final gun shootout and the spy has successfully finished her job. 

opening sequence:

The opening sequence shows a lot of action between the female agent and a gang of men, resulting in all the men killed and her standing there looking at her watch. Special effects will be used and hopefully a drone at the start to emphasise the open space. It then changes with her breaking into a house and finding a ton of drugs hidden inside kids teddy bears. This will be filmed in an outside urban location and inside a house.  The photos show the space where theres a shootout and the teddy bear which the drugs will be hidden in.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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