Feedback for two of my Thriller ideas

Idea 1:·    “Might be a little too short for an opening sequence” If I were to carry on this idea, I would need to think about what other shots could be included and how they will show the genres conventions.
·      “might be uninteresting to film as shots are quite simple” I need to plan out how I could make these shots interesting and what else I could add to create tension. There’s a lot I can add that will make it seem more unusual. E.g. there could be kids watching tv in the background to really contrast what is happening and make it unexpected and abnormal.

·      “I like the idea of the gory photos being hung up”
·      “Think about the sounds I could add to ensure the genre is clear” I think I could use contrapuntal sound to add effect in this thriller opening.
·      “Nice idea about the victim being in the scene-it adds tension and more of a thrill aspect”
 Idea 2·     
I"I like the connection between video games and real life”
·      “I think the switching on camera from video games to real life is a really good idea”
·“Follows thriller conventions- make sure there are really violent parts.”  I could Juxtapose how it might not be as violent on the game to the gore of the killings in real life.
 “Maybe try and make audience empathise with the killer in some way so this psychopath may not seem as stereotypical.” I could think about the psychopaths life story, he may have a mental disability/ addiction, humanise the killer.
“It’s really current at the moment- links to a news story about swatting “(people online get aggressive)
 “Could include the virtual reality aspect- as they’re in virtual reality they won’t realise you’re there.”- I think this is a really good idea and great advice. If I added this aspect it would bring my thriller to a whole new level.

  “Tell us more about the victim” I need to think about how I could incorporate clues and evidence about who the victim is and their background.
  “Sounds quite cliché (about the photos)” serial killers are more likely to take a trophy like a hair or something so I could play around with ideas to make it seem more interesting. (he may have a book full of hair taped to pages).

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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