Prelim part 2-Editing

After successfully filming the scene, I got to edit my prelim task using Premiere pro. I quickly understood how to use it and which buttons to click and when which meant the editing task could be done faster.
I was paired with Nandi for this task and we started selecting which camera angles we wanted for which section and estimated timings for shot duration and then stuck these clips together. A rough clip was made but we felt some camera angles looked out of place and some of the timings were slightly out. After looking at this, we chose new camera shots and we edited shot lengths which added more flow to the clip. After this, I copied and pasted the sequence along the timeline so that when making changes I can compare it to the original and see what works and what doesn't. It meant that there was a copy of the sequence saved so if I were to make changes to the sequence, there was always the original cut to go back to if anything went wrong. In this new copy of the sequence, we wanted to show more of a focus on one character. We made the shot duration longer on this character which lead the audience to feeling more empathy for her in the situation being shown. For the reason this character is being shown more, the audience may feel more of an emotional connection to her making them take their side. We also shorted the shot duration on the demanding character which effects the audience by making them feel more distant from the character and not become emotionally attached. We also thought the footage in the clip at first just showed the dialogue and was quite choppy, we changed this by showing how the character is reacting to what is being said in the scene this adding more of a dramatic effect. A problem we faced was we overlapped the sound in the clips making it out of sync and muffled, we soon figured out how to change this so it wasn't a major problem. Looking back on the footage from the day I still think there is one shot that looks slightly out of place still so if I could make any changes I would choose a new camera angle to replace that clip. When editing my thriller I will make sure I have footage from each camera angle at least twice to ensure that the footage is good enough so when it comes to editing I have more choice as to which successful angles I would want and where. I will also remember that, when I want to change shots dramatically, there is always a saved original clip. I will be more organised with which shot I want and where making it easier when editing as I wouldn't need to experiment as much and then take a long time to decide the order. 
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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