Music Video- Idea 2 (Cough Cough)

The track the idea is for is Cough Cough by Everything Everything.

My music video concept:

The band will be all wearing similar costume but will be individual to each member. For example: the colour could be different for each or one could be wearing short sleeves, another could be wearing long. The members will start off well groomed but by the end of the video have a messy look. The costume will have an "indie" style. Other bands they are similar to are 21 pilots, catfish and the bottleman and royal blood.

The Band will be standing inside a glass box which will be surrounded by fire. The band will be standing inside the box with other actors all squished close together so it looks extremely crowded. The main singer will be looking up at a camera and singing to it.There will also be the band playing their instruments in this box with the other actors standing around looking in instead.  There will be other bits of set like a glass box which is filled with water with an actor in, the water in the box will increase as the video goes on. The will also be a box with another actor in which is gradually filling with smoke.

These all relating to things that could make you "cough". Instead of coughing however, on the words "Cough Cough" the video will skip almost like a glitch. Until one point in the video where one person will actually cough (probably near the end). The narrative is that even though the band are in these tough situations they're not being affected by it unlike the other people, in fact, it is making them more "alive". This creating a star image for the band members as they are seen as superior to the others and are getting power from what is happening. The song is about the power of money and how it can cause the good and the bad. It is a symbolism that there is an inescapable pull towards money and that it is not just money but everything unappealing that comes alongside it. I would like to have a more of a performance aspect with the silhouette of a dancer with money falling like rain. This all making the video fit perfectly with this specific track. For lighting, I believe red or green gels would work well at points with the overall lighting being quite dark. The video will end with the girl going under the water fully.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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