Music Industry Research- Reading

Here's a video I created about my experience at reading festival- a look at the performances, staging and audience:

The reason for me doing this is because I really wanted to experience live music and the atmosphere created. I believed Reading was a great place to go to do this research due to the variety of stages displaying different genres.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Aint No Way- Digipak and homepage ideas

Digipak mood board:
I chose these images for the mood board as they have a sense of rebellion and it relates to the band and their genre of music. I think if people saw this album artwork they would instantly recognise that the artist plays music of the rock genre and people who are fans of this genre would have interest in buying the album.

Likewise to the other chosen artists, I have looked at the wix templates and I think this is the best visual representation of how i would imagine their homepage to be. I think the black and white look works well with the sites layout and the effect intended on being created by it. I believe it would attract the correct audience successfully and will give them all the information they'd be searching for.

The link for the homepage would be:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Cough Cough- Digipak and homepage ideas

Digipak Mood board:
I chose these images for the mood board because they are simplistic yet quirky, the uniqueness of the images reflect the bands music and I would do something similar in their digipak. The genre of music would be clear for the band if I were to use images like these for their digipak due to their conventions. I think images like this would appeal to the bands audience as the images are quite current and indie, they are seen as "cool" to a young generation.

For their homepage, I looked at templates on the website and picked the one i think was most suitable for this band. I believe this template best portrayed the band and went well with my mood board i had made for the digipak. I think that this website would be appealing to an audience interested in the bands music therefore it would be successful. The music video for the chose song would play as soon as its visible on the screen as you click on the videos section making the audience notice it straight away and become interested in watching it. 

The website link would be:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Do you feel alive- Digipak and Homepage ideas

Digipak mood board:
I chose these images in the mood board as it would be the style of photo I see when I listen to the artists music. The Black and white alongside some colour is a bold choice and would make the album artwork stand out. The black and white reflects the rock aspect of their music and the colour reveals the quirk and shows that they're unique and indie portraying an indie-rock digipak. The illusive images are also interesting and they pull in your attention it would be cool to mix these ideas and see the outcome.

For the website visual these, I looked up wix templates and scrolled through to see which suited the artist the best. Visually i think this template was perfect. I would keep it more of a black an white theme with splashes of colours to match the digipak. The tour dates will be immediately available to see on the homepage as well as the chosen song's music video which automatically plays. I think the artists audience would like this homepage as they would be interested in seeing them live and seeing images of them.

The homepage link would be:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Music Video- Idea 3 (Aint No Way)

The song this idea is for is Aint No Way by Robin Loxley featuring Jay Hawke.

My concept for this song is a narrative about how singers and band members get into trouble a lot due to the pressure they are under. The band will be wearing leather jackets and trousers with shirts like rock bands would usually wear, this being similar to the style of Nirvana or the Foo Fighters. The band will start on a platform like stage with low angles as if audience looking up to them playing their music. It will then cut cut to an actor getting into trouble with the police and get locked up. Once he is in jail he is kept with 3 other prisoners in a cell.
They seem to know each other and the new prisoner sits with them. They deal out playing cards around a table and smoke inside the cell. While this is happening there will be cuts to the band playing and going crazy while performing. the camera then reveals the chain attached to the singers ankle on stage. the next shot is the back of the prisoners head. The camera comes around to reveal that the prisoner is the lead singer, the camera moves around to reveal the other band members. There will be a shot of him looking straight at the camera starting to cry holding a straight ace, the officer opens the cell and says "you're on next". He turns around to walk into a bright light as if walking out onto a stage. The video fits with the track because the narrative goes alongside the lyrics for example "sold me down the line","soul taker"and "took away my life". The video fits with the star image of the artist as it shows the amount of fans and how in demand their work is.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Music Video- Idea 2 (Cough Cough)

The track the idea is for is Cough Cough by Everything Everything.

My music video concept:

The band will be all wearing similar costume but will be individual to each member. For example: the colour could be different for each or one could be wearing short sleeves, another could be wearing long. The members will start off well groomed but by the end of the video have a messy look. The costume will have an "indie" style. Other bands they are similar to are 21 pilots, catfish and the bottleman and royal blood.

The Band will be standing inside a glass box which will be surrounded by fire. The band will be standing inside the box with other actors all squished close together so it looks extremely crowded. The main singer will be looking up at a camera and singing to it.There will also be the band playing their instruments in this box with the other actors standing around looking in instead.  There will be other bits of set like a glass box which is filled with water with an actor in, the water in the box will increase as the video goes on. The will also be a box with another actor in which is gradually filling with smoke.

These all relating to things that could make you "cough". Instead of coughing however, on the words "Cough Cough" the video will skip almost like a glitch. Until one point in the video where one person will actually cough (probably near the end). The narrative is that even though the band are in these tough situations they're not being affected by it unlike the other people, in fact, it is making them more "alive". This creating a star image for the band members as they are seen as superior to the others and are getting power from what is happening. The song is about the power of money and how it can cause the good and the bad. It is a symbolism that there is an inescapable pull towards money and that it is not just money but everything unappealing that comes alongside it. I would like to have a more of a performance aspect with the silhouette of a dancer with money falling like rain. This all making the video fit perfectly with this specific track. For lighting, I believe red or green gels would work well at points with the overall lighting being quite dark. The video will end with the girl going under the water fully.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Music Video- Idea 1 (Do you feel alive)

The track the idea is for is Do you feel Alive by Raphael Lake & Ben Fisher

In my concept, the location will be in will be in a derelict setting or in the woods and there will also be them standing on a minimalistic set with a white background, the band members wearing all white. Their style would be a mixture of Coldplay and Panic At The Disco. It will start of as them being still staring at the camera while there are close ups of paint dripping which correlates with the musics "dripping sound". The moment the volume increases in the song, a multiple balloons full of paint pop on the white set over the band members. At the other location coloured powder comes into shot. when the lyrics start it is the band laying in the paint and the floor covered in colourful powder while the lead singer mimes the words. In the derelict location the band are playing their instruments whilst water pours on them with close ups of the water splashing on the drums and their hair.
In the woods there is a coloured powder fight between two groups of youths (modern tribe like), this including the band. There are moments when this is in slow motion and there is parts where there is white drawn outlines and animations flashing on their faces. The video ends with the band and the others laying in the mess like in the opening. This video fits this specific track as it is constantly saying "Do you feel alive?" and talks about "playing games"and "Give it all for it?" it all represents the bands memories of the fun they've had and how they're drawn to and urge this energy. The video fits with the star image of the band as they are the main focus of the video, the footage will draw the audiences eyes to the band members making them seem more superior.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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