Hair and Make up

For the boys hair we will put product in Harvey's hair to give it some control and make it slightly neater and for Freddie's we will have to curl it and scruff it up slightly so that their hair looks similar. 

For the girls we will do slight waves in their hair to keep it looking slick and controlled yet not too unnatural. For the make up we will do natural make up, with a glowy look.

The rest of the band members will have product put into their hair and have it styled in a way that it is our of their faces. For all of the boys, we will put a little bit of make up on for a bit of coverage. 

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

1 comment:

  1. There is some very good pre-production material in the blog, Daisy, which offers a proficient account of the planning you have undertaken. You are missing a couple of major elements: the animatic post should have a clearer sense of context (what is an animatic, what is it used for etc.) and a summary of the feedback you received; secondly, there should be an account of Phil Tidy's session so that you have evidence of institutional research available. After this the next job is to make sure that you have recorded your research into album artwork and artist websites as the foundations for your own designs.


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