Audience feedback- Focus Group

A way in which we gathered feedback for our video was a focus group. We invited another class in to ask questions face to face and record it. Here is what we got:

Here is the overall feedback we got from the focus group:

What do you think was the narrative?
-The two kids growing up and enjoying life - kids growing into musicians and like to dance/have fun
-like a dream -growing up (children acting like adults, adults acting like children)

What do you think the most successful elements of the video were?
-The switching between the ages made it more enjoyable to watch - The clear set and costume portrayed it to be fun and joyful

What do you think the message of the video is?
-be positive - just dance - you dont really need to grow up

Similar music videos?
-Busted 'What I go to school for'

Least successful elements?
-Shaky camera at the end - some parts of the dancing are awkward - wanted to know more about other members of the band
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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