Evaluation Task 4- How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Below is the script:
Emmy: To start off We created an animatic of our storyboard where we cut together
the frames of our storyboard to create the first look at what our product would
look like. We did this using The Blackmagic mini ursa 4K which we later used to
film our actual music video. We then edited the animatic in final cut pro. In order to create the illusion of the two
boys and two girls being the same people, we got them matching tops. Our search
proved a lot harder than first anticipated until We finally came across a shirt
on asos that had both sizes available for both Harvey and Freddie. We then got
the inflatable toy instruments for the performance elements off of amazon,
alongside our toy drumkit.
Antonia: To communicate that both the young and older cast within the video
were the same people, we chose to do a matching shot of the band both as adults
and children. To achieve this shot we used the adobe premiere pro editing suite
to create the thematic narrative in our video. In order to consolidate the
artists fun image, we made sure that the bands aesthetic matched the lively
nature of both the song and performance from both the kids and adults.
Myself: On
the shoot day of our video we used several different types of technology in
order to create our final product. We used the black magic Ursa mini 4k to
shoot our footage, combined with a set of 20-85 mm Zeiss lenses. This allowed
us to achieve high quality and professional looking footage. The use of handheld
camera work helped to inforce and enhance the childlike joyous nature of the
video and the characteristics that we wanted to convey to the audience.
Sean: During
the dream/ narrative extracts within our video, we changed the lighting from a
very bright frontal light, to a warmer red side light. This conspicuous
lighting created the atmosphere of dreams which was enhanced by the shallow
focus blurring the background which made the narrative shots more visually
engaging. To achieve this we used a Galaxia LED soft light with barns doors
attached to gain a professional filmic quality. We also used a blonde light and a
redhead light array during our narrative dream sequences to create the effect
previouslt stated .
Myself: At
the end of the editing process we colour corrected the contrast and gradient to
enhance the colours of the video to both bring out the fleshy tones and to
create the contrast between them and the bright starkly contrasting play room
walls and lumetri allowed us to alter these colours and create the overall
visual cohesiveness of the video.
Antonia: For the exhibition process we had a livestream, that out our product out worldwide followed by a simultaneous release to both YouTube and the artists website all of which was coordinated through a social media campaign across Facebook, Instagram and twitter. This exhibition process gave us the video formatted in two separate ways, we used the 1080p quality export for our digital release.
Evaluation Task 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Task 2 script:
28 February 2018 11:12
Richard dyer wrote the star theory stating that for stars to be successful, they should be both ordinary and extraordinary, to make the stars both human and larger than life In order to allow identification from their fans whilst acknowledging that the star is both reachable and above their audience. This star image is found through the traits the star presents. For the Krystal Kicks, these are.
1. Youthfulness
2. Fun energetic and exciting
3. Desirability
4. Cheekiness
5. Skillful
Star theory was written in 1979 by Richard Dyer, this stated that a musical artist is a semi-mythological figure that is both ordinary and extraordinary.
Youthfulness was particularly important for our product as it was very relatable for the target audience. There is a certain attraction when an artist is both ordinary and extraordinary as It shows a genuine appreciation for the artists success. Almost as if they are unaware of their success and they’re focuses on creating a product they believe in. Children in the digipack shows a sense of nostalgia surrounding the band and looking back on their childhood before the bands rise to fame. This can also be seen in ‘one direction’s’ album artwork for midnight memories, we see the band members clambering over a red telephone box. Similarly Kaiser chiefs ‘oh my god’ Our narrative supports the youthful image we were trying to sell due to the use of toy children’s instruments in both videos showing the urge to return to childhood.
The idea of the video being Fun, energetic and exciting is important due to our target audience being young and falling into the psychographic group the experiencers. The bright colours and childish imagery throughout all of our media products shows a sense of a fun-loving nature. The combination of the music video’s colorful and contrasting set combined with the digipack and websites bright contrasting style all which combines to create a cohesive theme throughout. Our artists are always depicted as having fun with their career and enjoying what they do, such emotions are shown In within the pictures of the band as they smile and laugh. Several other websites take inspiration for bright colours such as Darwin Deez’s website features the same colours as our website and video. He also has a blog section of his website that formats all the entries are in text message format which is engaging to a younger audience.
Desirability is shown through Freddie’s interacts with the camera he is seen to wink. This would make the young female target audience feel it is more personal, as the audience are able to identify them in the gallery on the website and access photos of them. As the star mage in built, so is the fandom. The digipak also uses photos of them as the audience are able to identify the members. In the merchandise, the bands logo and names are on products such as tops and drumsticks. As more fans buy product the image of the band increases and the demand becomes greater therefore increasing the desirability of the male members.
Cheekiness was explored within the digipak through the use of white doodles and funny photos of them messing around or as children. The video explores cheekiness within Freddie’s interaction with Ellis, he is seen to flirt and joke around with her, hinting at a romance. Justin Biebers video for his single ‘baby’ has aspects of cheekiness when we see him interacting not only with the girl but with the camera. He is seen to look down the camera, he smiles, laughs and even winks to what would be the young female audience watching it.
Skillfulness is shown through the musicality in the video by Grouping the shots together of the band playing their instruments it shows they are not just another boyband. The use of instruments also hints that the band write and create their own musical content. These images are also included in the gallery, as well as selling customised plectrums and drumsticks which their fans can buy, making them feel a part of the band.
Furthermore, In the digipak the photos of the band in the studio recording the song itself shows their ability to create product and good content for their fans.
Furthermore, In the digipak the photos of the band in the studio recording the song itself shows their ability to create product and good content for their fans.
Evaluation Task 1-In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
01:45Here is a slide share displaying my response to this evaluation task: