Behind the scenes Video

From footage shared between my group from our shoot day, I have edited a video together of the fun we all got up to on the day:

This footage provides evidence of team work and a hard working team (our group alongside the actors). I am so happy i have made this video because I can now look back at memories of the great and exciting day we had.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Our Shoot Day

As a group we made sure that we collected images throughout the day of us working as a team behind the scenes. Chris put together a slide show displaying these photos, which is below:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Final choice of costume

For costumes, we decided that using the costumes owned by the paintball course would be a bad idea as they have the delta force logo on therefore the whole illusion of it being in a video game. After receiving these replies, we went to Elizabeth at the costume department at Hurtwood and she had enough camouflage jackets for each of our actors. She also supplied us with a few pairs of boots which we could use for the main characters for shots that the shoes are visible in. Everyone else wore black trainers and all the actors brought in black jeans/ trackies and layers for their top half under their jackets. 
We got Chris to try the costume on to see if the combination worked.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Emailing schools

 Andrew contacted various schools with the CCF programme to see if we could borrow their uniforms. However, from the 9 schools we contacted, we got a similar reply from each telling us that they weren't allowed to let us use them because they were the queens property. 

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Mise-en-scene for our thriller

As a group, we put together a video of what we plan the mise-en-scene for our thriller to be like in our opening sequence. We were all set a section or two of mise-en-scene discussed these sections and videoed our parts separately. After that, we shared the footage with each other and Andrew edited the video together.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Our Thriller Name

As a group we brainstormed different names which would suit our opening sequence. The 3 main ones which we liked were : The Lag, Game over and Latency. After a bit of discussion, we decided "Latency" would be the best name for our thriller as it relates directly to what is happening in the opening sequence.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author


It is important that during the pre-production period that everything is planned and ready including props. Here is a list of the props needed to make our opening sequence successful:
  • VR headset for the gamer
  • Guns (Potentially a sniper rifle for the enemy and a R4-C automatic machine gun for our main character- see below)
  • Grenade

We have asked the media department if we can borrow some of the prop guns and weapons and they have agreed which is great! Chris is suppling us with his own VR headset also.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Shooting schedule

Here is the schedule of our day. It is a great idea to plan out when you are doing and when so that the shoot is more organised and everything is done in the correct amount of time needed.

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Shot list

Unless stated, assume location is paintball course.

Shot 1

Action: Main character is running.

Shot/movement: Shot from behind main character (mid shot).
Sound: Diegetic sound of character running (crunch of leaves etc)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Fade In

Timing: 3s

Shot 2

Action: As above

Shot/movement: Track and pan, going from behind centre to left adjacent, so we see left side of his face, and can see other player running next to him. 
Sound: Diegetic sound of character running 

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 3

Action: As above

Shot/movement: Close up of boots running (Track)
Sound: Diegetic sound of character running 

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 1.5s

Shot 4

Action: Slows pace of running until we hear + see gunshots main character dives into cover.

Shot/movement: Long shot of the two characters (Track main character’s dive) 
Sound: Gunfire, “get-down” , diegetic sound of characters diving for cover

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 4s

Shot 5

Action: Main character sitting and leaning against cover, hands on gun.

Shot/movement: Long shot of main character 
Sound: Gun fire (possibility for non-diegetic soundtrack here)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 6

Action: Main character loads and cocks his gun.

Shot/movement: Extreme close up of main character cocking/loading his gun.

Sound: Cocking sounds (*click*)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 1s

Shot 7

Action: Main character shooting at other people we can see in the distance.

Shot/movement: Over the (right) shoulder shot 
Sound: Gunfire -  any battle talk e.g. shouts, “im empty” etc…

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 8

Action: two players shooting

Shot/movement: Long shot (facing towards characters)
Sound: Gunfire

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 9

Action: Second player gets shot in the head and flies backwards

Shot/movement: Mid shot of second player, (left side view)
Sound: Whistle of sniper bullet, sound of bullet’s impact 

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 10

Action: As below

Shot/movement: Mid shot of dead player two
Sound: Faint gunshots

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 11

Action: Player two dead, expressionless, eyes open + looking to the left (at camera or near it)

Shot/movement: Close up of player two
Sound: Faint gunshots (in a smaller quantity than above) (Could have faint halo respawn countdown tones)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 12

Action: main character looks up at the sky

Shot/movement: Drone shot, starting from above the course, down to the MC
Sound: Helicopter sounds

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s

Shot 13

Action: As above, eyes follow drone (so slowly move down) - Hair blows around due to wind from helicopter.

Shot/movement: Extreme Close up main character looking up at the sky
Sound: (helicopter landing sound effect)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: < 5s

Shot 14

Action: Respawned player runs to his body, and takes his gun.

Shot/movement: Long shot of dead players body 
Sound: Sound of running, maybe some gunshots 

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s

Shot 15

Action: Exact same action as above (will obviously cut where necessary)

Shot/movement: Long-er shot (with main character in the shot, left) of dead players body+ pan upwards when player 2 is reunited with his body.

Sound: As above

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s 

Shot 16

Action: Two players and reunited, nod to one another and continue to push forward (jogging/running)

Shot/movement: Mid shot of two players running towards next cover- shooting occasionally. (Perspective is at the front of the players, and tracks the players.)
Sound: Jogging sounds, gunfire (potentially continuation of non - diegetic soundtrack)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 17

Action: Main character pole vaults over cover

Shot/movement: Mid shot, low angle from behind cover,
Sound: Gunshots, jumping sounds

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 18

Action: Main character lands into puddle of mud.

Shot/movement: Close up of boots landing into puddle of mud. Shot from side (left of the character) 
Sound: Landing sounds, gunfires

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 1s

Shot 19

Action: Characters run forward

Shot/movement: Extreme long shot of the characters running
Sound: Running sounds 

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s +

Shot 20

Action: Enemy takes aim and shoots and hits the main character

Shot/movement: zooms out and turns into an over the shoulder shot of the enemy, right hand side, rifle pointed and aimed at the characters
Sound: Isolated gunshots

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 21

Action: Presses his hands against the wound, and then looks at his bloody hands.

Shot/movement: POV of main character
Sound: Screeching ear sound + muffled shouts

Lighting: Natural (Slightly more dim than the other shots)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s

Shot 22

Action:  Main character gets shot several times more. Starts to fall back

Shot/movement: Mid shot from behind main character
Sound: Gunshots + same as above (potentially)

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s
Shot 23

Action: Enemy stops shooting main character and stares at him.

Shot/movement: Over the shoulder shot from the point of view of the enemy, his weapon no longer aimed at the main character.

Sound: Silence

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 24

Action: Enemy stares (quizzically) at main character

Shot/movement: Pan around to enemy’s face, quizzical look on his face.
Sound: Silence

Lighting: Natural (Slightly dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2.5s

Shot 25

Action: Main character lays sprawled on the floor, blood oozing out

Shot/movement: Birds eye (but with camera) as high as it can go, with main character in the centre
Sound: Non-diegetic reveal music (like at the end of Saw I)

Lighting: Natural (but now even more dim)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: As long as it needs to be

Shot 26

Action: As above, eyes flickering, and character coughing

Shot/movement: Close up of main character’s face, from above looking down. 

Sound: As above 

Lighting: As above

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 3s

Shot 27 

Action: As above

Shot/movement: Mid shot (only of torso) showing blood oozing+ bullet holes
Sound: As above 

Lighting: As above

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 2s

Shot 28

LOCATION CHANGE (SHOTS 28-30): Location is now gamer's living room

Action: Dimension switch: we go from video game world to real world, player is doing the exact same thing as when he was in shot 27.

Shot/movement: From the previous shot, move closer and zoom into the growing puddle of blood until only blood is framed

Sound: as above

Lighting: as above

Edit Transition: Suggested continuous shot

Timing: 5s

Shot 29

Action: As above- we are in the real world now.

Shot/movement: Opposite movement from shot 28, and replicate shot, and pan into close up of face.
Sound: as above

Lighting: Grimy lighting, indoor (what you would see in a poorly lit living room)

Edit Transition: Cut

Timing: 5s

Shot 30

Action: Television screen with “game over written on it”

Shot/movement: long shot, zoomed into a close up of the TV screen.
Sound: White noise + as above

Lighting: As above

Edit Transition: Blackout

Timing: Whatever’s left. 

~ Title screen and fin. ~

We shared this shot list with each other on a google docs meaning that we could all access and edit it together, we used the simple shot list which was on the google docs and then made it more advanced, making sure we covered every detail needed:

Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author


We have looked for a range of different locations that could suit our opening sequence but we thing Delta Force Paintball course is the perfect location to get the action footage that we need arranged with Delta Force over the phone that we will be able to use a certain section for filming in. This includes the scene where there is the bus and another with a church. The wooden covers for the "players" are perfect as there would be things like that to hide behind in the game. Our second location will only be used for a short period. We will be using corner the media editing suite, this includes a computer and shelves behind which suggest a normal room which the character would be likely to be in.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

The effects of the costumes and number needed

For this thriller we have around 8 people who we would like to be included this meaning we will need 8 costumes, I think it would be best if all the characters were in the same outfits because it would then look more uniformed. Either that or the different teams have different outfits this then informing the opposition. I feel like it would look more like a game if all the characters were in the same costume because it would show a continuity in the "games" features. I believe the costume should be green to act as camouflage as the characters will be hiding and shooting and obviously will not want to be seen by their opposition.
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

Choice of costume and alternatives

The majority of the costume I looked at were very expensive. With prices ranging from £32 to £161, there was one costume at the price of £9.95, although when looking at the number of cast needed there is still a large total. This item also not being very detailed and what we would need for an effective opening sequence. However, there are some cheaper options which could work- we could ask the people at the paintball course if we are able to use the outfits they supply there. I will contact the manager and see what he replies with, if we are unable to use their clothing as costume we will have to go with the cheapest option or ask the cast to bring in all black outfits.
This photo shows the costume they supply at Delta force (which is the location were hoping to film at)
Daisy Jelley Daisy Jelley Author

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